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A Nail Salon Suite Guide to Success

By April 12, 2023Salon Spa Blog
nail salon suite

We believe the success achieved in a nail salon suite begins long before the doors are opened for business, and that belief is what we plan to share with you in this article. We are Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with twenty-two salon suite rental locations. Call us at 817-917-1416 for more information, information we believe can drastically change your financial future.

Long before you open your nail salon suite.

We believe that success is earned, for most businesses, if not all, long before they hand their “open for business” sign.  We believe there are crucial steps which must be taken in the months, and weeks, leading up to the Grand Opening.

It begins with a mission statement.  What is your goal as a business owner?  Your mission statement will be the guiding light for all your decisions; each decision must be consistent with, and supportive of, your mission statement.

What is the vibe you want from your business?  What do you want your customers to feel when they come to you for your service?  This vibe will be reflected in the way you treat your customers, and it will be reflected in the suite itself when a customer enters your business.

And, despite the tendency of most new business owners, we believe it to be vitally important that you start small and grow gradually into your role as an independent small business owner.  Having grand visions is wonderful, but you must first lay a solid foundation.

The early months of your nail salon suite existence.

It is assumed that you will begin your business adventure with an existing base of loyal customers, people who will follow you, who are excited for you, and who are determined to support you.  Hold these customers close to your heart; they are the backbone of your business in the early months. Their word-of-mouth advertising is priceless.

Build upon that foundation, and concentrate on social media.  Most new businesses do not have the funds to conduct a strong advertising campaign. Ads are expensive, and all too often they are misplaced.  Concentrate, instead, on rocking the social media sites, the YouTubes and the Facebooks and the Instagrams.  Learn as much as you can about search engine optimization; keywords will be your friends in blogging on your website, and will pay dividends over the long term.

Never forget the most important factor.

We cannot overemphasize this point enough: you can never lose site of customer service and its importance.  Poor customer service is a business-killer.  Every customer who enters your nail salon booth must feel like the most important customer on the planet during the hour or so they are with you.  The human connection is vital for the success of a business, and you must never, ever, forget that fact.

A final word about Salon & Spa Galleria.

Salon & Spa Galleria is locally owned and operated, and we are successful because we make it possible for our rental clients to be successful.  You may be an independent business owner, but we consider you part of the Salon & Spa Galleria family. Call us today and we’ll show you around your new business location, luxury salon suites built for success.