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Organizing Your Salon Rental

By December 12, 2019Blog
rent a salon suite

Staying organized can be challenging for some salon rental owners. Nonetheless, an organized salon will be an assurance of efficiency and an effortlessly running business.  Organizing is the bases to maintaining a worthy business practice that will help reduce the stress in your work life and location.  Read on to learn some tips that will help keep you organized.

Coding with Color

Color coding is an unlimited organizational method. Color coding is a lot of fun; you can do it with anything in your salon suite. What about that color drawer or color shelf? You know that areas that become a bit like a catch it all with boxes and half-used tubes of color.  By neatly arranging your color boxes and tubes will make inventory, at a glance, a snap. A beneficial color-coding system is on your calendar. Things like business appointments can hold one color while personal events or special engagements other colors.  Doing your calendar this way helps with maintaining a neat scheduling system with a quick glimpse.

A Place for Everything

There is a place for everything and everything home in a hair salon suite or hair studio.  “Cluttered” is the look of things lying around and out all over the place. To prevent stressing you or your clients out you will want to make sure when you decorate that you have a cabinet with storage space.  The important key in a place for everything is in storage. Storage containers or storage tools will fast become your friend.  You will want to figure out what your needs and will work best for you. Drawer dividers and bins will make life easier and uncluttered. Once you de-clutter your suite space and everything is neatly put away, you will want to maintain the cabinet space from clutter. The tools will need their space too. So when you are finishing using them, they can be neatly put up and out of the way.

A Schedule Organized

Can you say important? Scheduling is the most imperative thing for a salon suite and booth rental owner. This is the bread and butter of your profits. It doesn’t matter if you use an old school appointment book or a scheduler; it is crucial to maintain an organized schedule.  Efficient is the name of the game when it comes to scheduling.  By recognizing your patterns of work will help you maintain your schedule and business efficiency. A tip to remember on busy or full days you will want to make sure you mark off time in between appointments for cleanup and to re-organize before your next client. The more organized the schedule, the smoother your business will run.

The Clear-Out

The saying goes if you don’t need it, get rid of it. Being a vital step to getting organized, you will want to schedule an appointment with yourself to take time and do a de-clutter moment. Start by making piles for the items you want to keep and the items you don’t want to keep, don’t forget the third pile called the not sure if I want to keep or not keep. Remember the rule of letting it go if you have not used it or touched it in a year. When finished with the cleanse, take a moment and feel how good it is. It’s also an excellent opportunity to donate to charity and upgrade old styling tools.

Looking to be your own boss of a salon suite,  then call us at 972-691-7300 and set up a tour at any one of our 9 locations. We can help you make your dream come true.