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Why Some Fail in a Salon Booth Rental

By November 4, 2022Salon Spa Blog
a hair salon suite

Sadly, each year, some well-meaning, talented beauticians fail in a salon booth rental, and in this article we will explore several of the reasons why that happens.  Unfortunately, we have a ringside seat to these sad events, we being Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with twenty salon booth rental agencies. Call us at 972-691-7300 for more information on how you can rent a salon suite and start your own beauty salon.

Oddly, a salon booth rental failure rarely occurs because of investments

One might think that a business failure would occur because of under-investment, but that is rarely the truth with a salon booth rental. As we will mention a bit later in this article, it is very easy, and very affordable, to start a business in a salon suite rental.  We would put under-investment way down the list of reasons for business failures.

A variety of reasons why a salon booth rental might fail

The sad truth about business ownership is this: despite the fact that owning your own business is a very attractive aspiration, there are some very talented beauticians who are not cut from that mold.

Owning a business requires the person to be a self-starter.  There is no boss to establish working hours. There is no supervisor watching your every move to make sure you don’t take shortcuts.  You are the boss, and you decide how hard you are going to work.

Some do not have the business training to succeed.  There are taxes to consider. There are profit-and-loss matters to attend to. There is marketing to learn and implement.  These things require training and special knowledge, and not everyone has it.

Not everyone has the emotional foundation to handle making such important decisions. There is no safety net when owning a business, and that, by its very nature, means emotional pressure.  Some cannot handle that pressure. Some are much more comfortable working for someone else, in a beauty salon owned by someone else.

And, finally, a small percentage of those who do not make it in a beauty salon suite, do not make it because they simply do not have the professional skills to attract customers through word-of-mouth.  This is a rare occurrence, but it does happen.

At SAS, we provide continual support and training

If you decide that none of those reasons for failure apply to you, Salon & Spa Galleria has a business opportunity we believe you will thrive at.  We offer luxury salon suites starting at $75 per week, and that low price includes utilities, WiFi, a web page, workshops on business management and marketing, a free HDTV, laundry facilities, and a host of other amenities.

And, our support never ends.  When you sign with Salon & Spa Galleria, you become one of our “team,” so to speak, and we never, ever, allow a team member to flounder.

A final word about Salon & Spa Galleria

So far, this article is just a bunch of words on your computer screen. We invite you to call us, arrange for a tour of one of our twenty locations in Fort Worth, and come see for yourself. Talk to our current clients.  Get their opinions of Salon and Spa Galleria.  And, then, ask yourself this question: Do you have the right stuff to succeed?