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Chemical Peels

This article is for the specialists who perform chemical peels and may be looking for a new salon suites situation from which to conduct their business.

It is also for those who do dermaplaning, facials, hydro facials, microdermabrasion, or waxing, and may be looking for an esthetician salon booth rental.

We are Salon & Spa Galleria, with fourteen different locations in the Greater Fort Worth area.  You can call us at (817) 823-7105 or (817) 917-1416 for more information about luxurious salon space rental information, but first, let’s talk about your needs.

What are your needs from a business location?

If you are currently working in a beauty salon owned by someone else, or from your own home, or you are just starting out in business, your needs will most likely include the following:

  • A professional setting and environment
  • WiFi
  • Security
  • 24/7 access
  • Low-to-reasonable rental
  • Ample parking
  • Busy, high-traffic location

This is a basic list comprised of basic needs for practically any business.  The problem with that list, in all honesty, is the “low-to-reasonable rental” portion.  Commercial real estate is expensive.  You know it. We know it. Anyone going into business knows it.  Simply laying down first and last months rent, plus damage deposit, on a commercial rental will break the bank for many who are just starting out in business. Add to that the cost of professional furniture, the cost of having WiFi installed, and other miscellaneous costs, and it is no wonder that so many estheticians choose to work from an established beauty salon making 40% commission rather than 100% profits.  The price is just too prohibitive to go it alone for many.

What we provide at Salon & Spa Galleria

At Salon & Spa Galleria, we believe that you are the trained professional and thus you deserve to keep the bulk of your earnings.  Our business model is a simple one: we provide a professional, luxury salon suites for professionals in the beauty industry, like you, and you rent from us.  If you are happy with us, you will continue to rent from us, we will have our centers filled to capacity, and we all win.  In other words, our job is to keep you happy, with a long list of amenities and a very reasonable rental price, so that you will stay with us.

Very simple business plan!

How does a rental price, stating at $50 per week at select locations, sound to you? How does free utilities, free WiFi, free laundry, and free HDTV sound to you? How does free security monitoring and location in busy arterials sound to you?  How does business and marketing workshops, and your own web page on our site, sound to you?  How does the continued support from an established leader in this industry sound to you?

That’s what is waiting for you at Salon & Spa Galleria, that and so much more.  We appreciate your professional skills, and we want you to succeed.  It’s as simple as that, and if that seems to hard to believe, it’s only because you haven’t visited one of our facilities yet.

Call us and let’s make it happen!